Why is falls prevention important?

Did you know that 1 out of 3 elderly people living at home falls once a year? Although a fall may seem harmless, it can have serious consequences such as a fracture. Did you also know that balance, mobility and physical strength are strong protective factors in limiting the risk of falling? Despite the possibility of preventive physical therapy, this is not yet sufficiently used in Belgium. Moreover, it is useful to identify other factors that can influence the risk of falling during a comprehensive examination and to make sure you can stay active safely.

For more information on fall prevention, please refer to the Flanders centre of expertise in Fall and Fracture Prevention: www.valpreventie.be

Meet our Magnus physiotherapist
qualified to help with falls prevention?


  • Physiotherapist Eefje
  • Physiotherapist Elaheh
  • Leuven

  • Physiotherapist Aaron
  • Physiotherapist Julia
  • Physiotherapist Robrecht
  • Physiotherapist Ruben
  • Kessel-lo

  • Physiotherapist Thorin