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Foundations of osteopathy?

The basis of osteopathy lies in the belief that many diseases arise from problems within the musculoskeletal system and the interconnection of body structure and function. It works around three domains: 1. structural 2. visceral and 3. craniosacral. Today, osteopathy shares similarities with conventional medicine, with osteopaths having a strong focus on preventive medicine. This stems from the belief that body structure and function affect each other reciprocally. An osteopath aims to stimulate the self-healing nature of the body to the right degree.

The history of osteopathy

In 1874, Andrew Taylor Still, a Missouri physician, founded osteopathy. He advocated restoring proper musculoskeletal function as a cornerstone of disease prevention and treatment. Still founded the American School of Osteopathy in Missouri in 1892. He emphasised manual manipulation, nutritional approaches and lifestyle modifications rather than surgical and pharmacological interventions.

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Regulations within the profession

The American Osteopathic Association was founded in 1901 to oversee the profession, leading to the recognition of doctors of osteopathy (D.O.'s) for full practice privileges in all 50 states in 1962. Doctors of osteopathy receive extensive training similar to doctors, with additional focus on manipulation techniques in practice. Although osteopaths deal primarily with primary care, they extend their expertise across various medical specialities, taking a holistic approach that considers the whole patient.

Understanding the osteopathic principles

Andrew Taylor Still theorised that diseases have their origin in structural problems in the spine, disrupting nerve signals to organs. These structural problems are called ‘osteopathic lesions’. Manipulation techniques aimed at restoring normal nerve function and facilitating the body's own healing processes were developed. Osteopathy also introduced craniosacral therapy, a gentle cranial bone manipulation technique aimed at achieving holistic balance.

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Visiting an osteopath

A consultation with an osteopath is comprehensive with questions about medical history, physical condition and lifestyle. The joints, muscles, tendons, bones and connective tissue are examined in detail. Manipulations can be used to address various musculoskeletal problems, divided into direct and indirect procedures.

Considerations and risks

Certain conditions, including bone fractures, joint infections and rheumatoid arthritis in the neck, warrant caution with osteopathic manipulation. Risks of manipulations include temporary side effects such as increased pain or headaches. Before performing manipulations, tests are always carried out to check that there are no contraindications that would prohibit a manipulation.

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Insurance reimbursement and osteopathy

Some insurers have specific insurance for ambulatory care which makes reimbursement higher. These are based on the patient's need. Contact your insurance company if you plan to use more osteopathy treatments. We give a few examples here: